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Healthy Is Wellness 
Pharmacy and Employer Program

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Increase Productivity & Reduce Absenteeism

When employees are enabled to take control of their physical and mental health, they take fewer sick days and are more productive when they are at work. Over 90% of companies implementing a wellness program saw improvements in productivity when they started promoting wellness company-wide (3).

Healthy Is Wellness clients have experienced up to a 30% decrease in sick leave and 20% increase in productivity with the help of our program.

     (3) https://www.betteryou.ai/statistics-on-the-benefits-of-corporate-wellness-programs/


We saved over six figures in savings last year from employees coming to work more often, major reductions in health care claims, and an increase in employee productivity. And best of all, our employees and their family members love the Healthy Is Wellness monthly events, and we talk about intentionally improving our health while at work.

– CEO of Tech Industry Client

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